Creature Club serves to support the animals of the Living Lab. Daily, middle school Creature Club members meet to feed animals and maintain habitats of our bearded dragon, guinea pig, hermit crab, corn snake, tortoise, and rabbits. We also have plans to add a freshwater aquarium in the spring. Additionally, Creature Clubbers attend to the schedule of animals checked out to teachers on campus and deliver them to classrooms daily before school. Our Creature Club works in conjunction with the Hydroponics Club, as the lettuces and other vegetables harvested through hydroponics are enthusiastically consumed by our creatures! Blankner’s Green Team also supports Creature Club and the Living Lab by collecting recycled paper and shredding it for use as animal bedding for our mammals. The Green Team also supported the Living Lab initiative through the purchase of animal literature for teacher use when creatures are checked out of the Lab. Questions? Email [email protected]